What is ELO Model Actually

1 minute read


When we talk about the forecasting in sports, ELO model is the most common thing. However, what is ELO actually? Based on Wikipedia, the Elo rating system is a method for calculating the relative skill levels of players such as chess.

ELO formula

If team A plays against team B, the probability of win for team A is like the equation below. If the ELO score of team A and B are the same, then the probability of win is 50%, which make sense. \(P_{Awin}=\frac{1}{1+10^{\left(ELO_{B}-ELO_{A}\right) / 400}}\)

ELO vs Logestic Regression

The formular is very simialr with logistic function (sigmoid function) with different base. \(f(x)=\frac{1}{1+e^{-x}}\)

The plot shows the clear different between two equations, which brings us the next questions: why the base is 10 and why the score need to be divided by 400?

K factor

The way of updating the elo scores is shown as following. K is the factor that we need to give in advance. Initially, k is a constant number in different games (e.g. 40 or 32). When k is 40, that means maximum of elo score of each game is 40. \(\text {elo}_{new}=\mathrm{elo}_{old}+k\left(outcome-\operatorname{P}_{win}\right)\)

One of solution is to use a dynamic K based on the number of matches in tennis. read the artical here

Dynamic K based on Margin

One of the examples of using dynamic k based on margin is like this in NBA. I am not interested in whethere it works or not. The question is where those numbers come from in the equation. I’ve no idea so far. \(\mathrm{K}=20 \frac{\left(\mathrm{Margin}_{\text {winner }}+3\right)^{0.8}}{7.5+0.006\left(\text { elo_difference }_{\text {winner }}\right)}\)

Home advantage

Home advanage is a positive factor for all sport games when calculating the probabilty of winning. i.e. The home team can have addtional elo scores. Again, you can setup a constant number first intuitively. Then, you can optimize it as a parameter.

Year-to-Year Carry-Over

For yearly sports game, the common issue is that how to handle seasons. The straightforward way is to give a decay. The example: \(Elo_{this_season}=(0.75)*Elo_{last_eason}+(0.25)*1505\)

*1505 is the base elo score

Future work

  • For team sports, player-level data is not included. If the key player get injured, the ELO rating system get the info slowly.
  • Definitely ELO is not the only solution, lots of other probabilitic and ML models can work in some scinarios.